3 things that are taking away your inner peace today!
Oct 07, 2022
Welcome to the second installment of the Inner peace series. In the last edition, I talked about what inner peace looks like when you have it.
Today I delve deeper into 3 things that steal your inner peace every day without you even knowing.
1. Control: Having the need to control people, outcomes, processes is something you have been indoctrinated with from an early age. This is why you might be unconsciously wanting to control everything and everyone around you without even realising. This makes you feel ‘validated’. It is all well and good when you can control everything around you…however, as you already know you cannot control anything that is outside of you (not even your own kids, dare I say it). Whilst control might feel good for a while, it will eventually take away your peace, here is why:
a. You start frantically worrying when you cannot control things. This will take up your mental space most of the time; eventually becoming your automatic response to everything.
b. It becomes part of your identity, which means when you don’t have control, this would mean something bad about you. You are a bad person, you are not good enough, you are not cut out to be (a mum, wife, a good leader etc.)
c. Losing control will frustrate you and will affect not just you, but the relationships that are most important to you. You will eventually start taking your frustrations out on the people you most love.
As my mentor always says, control is an illusion. It is like putting someone in a round room and telling them to sit in the corner! So, every time you want to control something or someone, remember this metaphor. You will soon realise it is a waste of your energy and is the no 1 thing that steals your inner peace!
2. Attachment: Buddha says, “Attachment is the greatest form of suffering”. I am sure you can easily relate to this when you think of losing someone you love or even a sentimental object you hold dear. How this relates to your inner peace is very much linked to the ‘need to control everything. Attachment is to do with trying to control not just the outcome and how a certain outcome is achieved. You might stay awake thinking about all the scenarios in your head as to how something is going to happen… all you are really doing is creating resistance towards it happening. Because how something you really want manifests is not your responsibility. If you knew how you would have already manifested it. So perhaps it is time to let go of the ‘how’ and focus on what you want to manifest and just feel good in knowing that it is coming your way, even if you cannot yet see it.
3. Complaining (not being in gratitude)- This is the state most people live in without realising. It is to do with focusing your attention on lack (things you might not yet have or find inadequate)
instead of abundance, (things you already have). I get it. It is easily done. You might find yourself in a great job, fantastic office space with everything you can ever wish for, surrounded by lovely and supportive colleagues… and still find yourself complaining about how hot or cold the office is! The easiest way to shift your attention from focusing on lack to focusing on abundance is to make gratitude your daily habit. You can easily do that with my free heartfelt gratitude audio here for just 8 minutes a day! You can listen to Ian and I talk about this topic in a bit more detail on this week’s podcast Episode (60) here.
Watch out for the next installments of the inner peace series coming soon…
3. Why is it important to find inner peace
4. How do we find inner peace
5. Is it possible to find inner peace even in the world we live in today?
Until next time…
P.S. All my 1:1 work is now booked until October 17th, but If you are serious about leaving the chaos behind and finding inner peace and serenity now, you can just book a call with me here to apply for a new spot in October.