4 simple steps that will lead you to ultimate inner peace!
Oct 28, 2022
Welcome back to the fourth instalment of the Inner peace series. In the last three editions, I talked about
1. What inner peace looks like when you have it and delved into the
2. 3 things that steal your inner peace every day without you even knowing and just
3. Why is it important to have inner peace.
4. Is it possible to have inner peace in our world today?
Today I answer the ultimate question you have all been wondering about:
Just How do You Find Inner peace?
I am going to be specifically talking about
4 simple steps that will lead you to ultimate inner peace!
As I mentioned last week, inner peace, as the name suggests has to come from inside of you.
It is obvious by now you are not going to find inner peace by constantly focusing your attention on what is going on outside of you, most of which is designed to put you in fear anyway!
Inner peace is a choice!
You have the ultimate responsibility to look after your mental and physical health and you have control over what goes into your mind.
In the world we live today everything is here to get your attention away from what really matters and only YOU get to decide what really matters to you and take responsibility for it.
You cannot expect to have inner peace if all you do all day is to ‘react’ to the outside world.
You see the fact that you have been reading this series on inner peace means that you ultimately are looking to have it in your life and if you were able to create it with the habits you have had so far, you would have already created it by now.
This means you have to do some things differently. Adapt new ways of being and new habits.
Here are 4 things you can do (even one of them alone will bring you some inner peace) to bring ultimate inner peace in your life.
1. Have a clear purpose to live for that is bigger than you
2. Let go of the need to control things, outcomes, people and processes and surrender! Detach from the outcome and the need to control the process
3. Be mindful of where you keep your attention
4. Be in gratitude for the things you already have and the abundance you are surrounded by each and every day.
Start with the easiest step, which is to be grateful for what you already have and you can do that with my FREE heartfelt gratitude audio here
You can listen to Ian and I talk about this in great detail on this week’s podcast Episode (63) here.
Until next time…
P.S. The chance to grab the online version of my transformational coaching programme for just £97 is coming to an end on October 31st. So hurry and start here with the self-study version of my coaching for just £97. You will have access to the exact same homework and the audio material my 1:1 clients have without the price tag. Plus, when you are ready for the coaching, you can have your £97 deducted from your full investment! But hurry, the investment goes up to £197 in November!