How easy do you think it is to create what you want?
Jun 27, 2022
How easy do you think it is to create what you want?
What if it was easy?
Would you still want it?
Would you even appreciate it?
You see, in fact, It is easy and you do it all day long without even realising it!
You create things in your life so easily, things you do want.
Especially the kind of things you don't have resistance to! like going on holiday, getting your dream wedding, going out for a meal with your friends etc.
But when it comes to bigger things like having your dream home, dream life a million-dollar car etc. Then it becomes a problem.
The bigger the gap between what you currently have vs what you want, the harder it will seem (to your brain) to obtain.
The bigger the gap between what you currently have vs what you want, the harder it will seem (to your brain) to obtain.
and that's exactly why it becomes impossible (in your mind and as a result in your reality) to reach.
You see, when the gap between what you want vs what you already have is so big, anything you do towards reaching that dream/desire is a big stretch for your brain.
Even when you start thinking about it, let alone take action on it, it will start to send you the signals of fear (fight, flight or freeze). You might feel some resistance towards it- commonly known as procrastination.

You will come up with a number of (justifiable) reasons (aka excuses) to stop yourself from taking the right steps towards it.
Some of these excuses will in fact manifest into reality and eventually stop you from taking action altogether.
How can you easily create what you want?
And the simplest answer, as you may have already worked out, close the gap between what you have right now vs what you want!
This will tell your brain everything is safe, and it will stop fighting you and you will stop fighting for your limitations.
If you let your brain thinks (remember point 7 from last week’s newsletter?) by visualising what you want as if you already have it, then the gap between what your brain thinks you have vs what actually have will close dramatically!
When you listen to Ian and I on this week’s BONUS podcast episode you will hear more about this topic.
In my FREE Masterclass, I will cover so much more about this. It is on June 29th at 12.00 pm BST.
Register here to reserve your seat, only a few more spots left and they are filling up fast!
This is going to be EPIC, because everything I will share is everything I have experienced myself and helped my clients with.
You see, you can change your circumstances, where you work, your boss, your lover or whatever that is not making you happy right now…
but as you already know,
Nothing will change until YOU change!
So, join me on June 29th at 12.00 pm BST to discover the power of this work! The class itself is life-changing!
Until next time…
P. S. I have 2 more 1:1 coaching spots left before the investment increases.
Book a free clarity call here to discover all the details you need and secure the current level of investment. It will be the best investment you will ever make!