Episode 22 - What Do You Really Need Right Now?
Whether you realise it or not you spend most of your life/days attempting to get your needs met!
Most of your behaviours and feelings, as a result, come from having your needs met or unmet.
The more you understand about yourself and what is important to you the more likely you will be able to choose positive ways to meet your own needs.
If you are feeling a lack of balance, meaning and purpose in your life, then the chances are you have some unmet emotional needs and you have been using your work to fulfil this. Only to end up feeling more frustrated and unfulfilled or even burnt out.
Tune into this episode and discover what it is you really need and what you can do to learn to meet those needs yourself without burning out or looking outside of yourself.
When is the last time you took a break from ‘doing things and going through the motions of daily activities in autopilot and had a good look at yourself; your life and how things are going?
If you are listening to this podcast, it means that there is a part of you who believes that there are some areas of your life that are not working as they should. The good news is, I have just the thing for you!
You can now discover how balanced your life is in 7 essential areas with my FREE Life Balance Workbook!
Just go to: https://www.tulaymasseycoaching.com/thelifebalanceworkbook-podcast
and download this workbook for absolutely FREE now!