Episode 29 - No 1 reason you are constantly sabotaging your success without even knowing!
No 1 reason why you are constantly sabotaging your success without even knowing!
Are you letting yourself off the hook,🤔...again?
💭 I'll do that later!🤨
💭 Check that one last email!😟
💭 I will meditate another time (fell asleep watching Netflix instead🙄😴)...
💭 I know it is important to look after myself... but it is more important that I finish this last slide before I go to bed because I promised my boss😮
💥💥That right there is what the real problem is 👆👆👆
✔ You keep to the promises you give to other people (great! this shows you have integrity)👍
❌ You keep letting yourself off the hook when it comes to the promises you made yourself (you have little/or no self-integrity)😞
You might be thinking: "Well that's ok I will do it eventually, it wasn't that important anyway"💥💥💥
Listen, every time you break a promise that you made to yourself you are telling yourself (subconsciously) that:
❌ You cannot be trusted
❌ You don't matter (others matter more)
❌ You cannot finish what you started!
So without even knowing you self-sabotage every project, every new attempt to do anything.
Is it no wonder that you can't bring yourself to even think about what you want, because deep down you believe you will not get it anyway😟😞😞
You are not alone! I get it, I have been there...
😍 But I also know you can change this when you know how...
There is hope and there is help...
Start today with fulfilling a promise that you made to yourself because you know that you matter!
Dig deeper and ponder on
Where in your life do you break your promises to yourself?
How many times do you break your promise to yourself?
You see, there might be a pattern you notice and the chances are there is a deeper reason why you keep breaking the promises you make to yourself including the goals you set for yourself at the start of each year.
Are your SMART goals leaving you EMPTY and feeling like a failure year after year?
You are not alone!
80% of people fail most of their goals (especially the personal development ones)…
Because the traditional goal setting doesn’t work, no matter how SMART (your goals) or you are.
This leads to constant frustration, leaving you feeling like a failure year after year!
I get it, I have been there, too!
and it is NOT because of what you do, don’t do…
Most of the time you are judged on ‘how you do something’ and not surprisingly you get stuck on the ‘how’ too.
and when you don’t know how to do something…you tell yourself you might as well not start!
What if there was a whole new way of setting your goals?
A way that will help you not just get started but keep going until you achieve them.
Well, you are in luck! I have created a simple goal setting guide for you to use for setting and achieving any goal.
Use this guide to set your goals and watch your results change!
You can download it for FREE on