Episode 33 - Life is The Mirror No One is Looking At? What is yours reflecting back?
Life is the Mirror No One is Looking at!
What do you see when you look in the mirror?
It is not a trick question.
Of course, you see a reflection of yourself. If it is a bad hair day, you see a person with bad hair; If you had a bad night’s sleep, you see a person with a tired wrinkled face; If you are happy and glowing (inside), you see a glowing, happy face in the mirror etc… you get the point.
Now; what do you see when you look at the world, specifically the 'world' you created immediately outside of you - Your Life, your job, the people you are surrounded by... Each and every one of these things reflects back to you who you are on the inside.
However, sometimes it is not so obvious to you what it is your life is reflecting back to you because you have the 'blinkers' on and you can only see what you want to see, what you believe without questioning.
Today we talk about this in more context and how it can affect your life. More importantly, what you can do about it.
Plus on Wednesday, March 23rd I am running a FREE LIVE Training that will delve much deeper into this. Register for this training here: https://www.tulaymasseycoaching.com/finding-serenity-in-the-midst-of-chaos-training