Episode 35 - The Illusion of Comfort Zone That is Keeping You Trapped
The Comfort zone is an illusion and it is keeping you trapped. I understand why you might think that your comfort zone is ‘comfortable’ and it keeps you safe. And perhaps that is true to some extent. Because the ‘comfort zone’ as we know it is created by your brain to keep you safe. It is your reptilian brain, the lowest part of your brain, trying to keep you safe from ‘danger’. This is the same part of the brain that helps you escape dangers like being chased by a lion, or a bus is speeding towards you. It is the one that triggers a fight or flight reaction.
But the trouble with your reptilian brain is that it doesn’t know the difference between the ‘real danger’, as in a lion running towards you; and a ‘perceived danger’- like having to do something really unfamiliar or different for the first time and it sends the same sort of signals to your body, like beating your heart really fast, sweaty hands, increased adrenalin etc.
But, of course, doing this on a regular and consistent basis is not healthy for your body, so the brain wants to create a sense of comfort and familiarity and in time you kind of sink into this sense of comfort and familiarity
the other hand, as human beings, we are here to grow and evolve. Especially if you are a skilled professional you want to grow and develop as a person. This is kind of the higher part of your brain, your analytical brain, your inquisitive side pushing you to become better than you were yesterday and last year etc. and
This is where it gets tricky. Because in order to grow, evolve and be better than you were yesterday, the year before… you need to do things you haven’t done before, you need to try new things, you need to dip your toes in cold water, you need to get out there and show up for yourself and do something completely different! And that means getting out of your comfort zone, going out and doing things that are ‘uncomfortable/unfamiliar’ and we now know what happens when we want to do that right? Yes, the reptilian brain kicks in, the heart rate goes up, the anxiety comes, you are filled with fear etc…so you get the picture.
And you go right back where you started! The comfort zone, the familiar. It, gives you this ‘sense’ of satiety in a way and comfort, but only for a short time until you see someone else going and doing exactly what you wanted to do for years. Until you see someone else deliver the presentation you were longing to do but never really had the courage to do it; until you see someone else wearing that nice dress that you didn’t quite feel brave enough to wear. I mean the examples are endless. Anything that is out of the ordinary, your brain pulls you right back into that comfort/safety/familiarity zone!
You can now see how this becomes a battle of the two brains and a battle in your head that keeps you trapped exactly where you are.
But like I said, we are here to grow and evolve. We crave for it, we live for it. It gives us sense of purpose and a sense of importance. All you need to be able to do is to break through that initial barrier of fear and unfamiliarity. And, indeed, you can do that. There are so many examples of people in the world who do that to achieve great things in life. Do you think that Susan Boyle would win Britain’s Got Talent if she didn’t get up on that stage and sing? Of course not!
But how do you find the courage to get out of that safety, comfort, familiarity zone to be able to do what you want to do? That's where I come in. I am here to help you make the unconscious conscious so that you can conquer your own mind and make choices that will help you rather than becoming slaves to your 'have to do' lists!
In today's episode, we talk about how telling your brain everything is OK and there is no danger will actually help you conquer this illusionary fear that your brain creates and help you create the life you want despite to fears your brain might present you with.
If you want my help, you can still enrol in my 8-week coaching programme here:https://www.tulaymasseycoaching.com/spl-group-coaching