Episode 122 - Will You Choose To BE a Better YOU This Christmas?
This week on Finding Serenity in the Midst of Chaos Podcast, I talked about why is it important to be a better YOU this Christmas! and how can you do that.
You can do this by first mastering your mindset and prioritizing what is important to YOU!🥰⛪
Then, and ONLY then you will become
A better mum,
A more compassionate boss,
More loving wife,
More attentive daughter and live a better life!⛪🥰
“I will hate myself and struggle every day and resent everyone in the process to become a better version of me!” Said no one ever!🙄
If you are done giving so much to everyone else to be a better YOU Then STOP! Because you now know, it doesn’t work! Do what works (very well every time) instead.
The change will start with you. So work on yourself first and watch others change around you with astonishment.
Tune into today's episode to find out examples of what being better you, looks like.
If you missed the mini-masterclass series which I just completed this week, you can still get all the recordings by registering here: https://www.tulaymasseycoaching.com/weekly-mindset-nuggets-with-dr-tulay-massey-a-mini-masterclass-series
Thanks for listening.