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Episode 149- How Can You Feel Good Enough Even When You Are Not Confident!

We are talking about feeling good enough - or not feeling good enough as the case maybe.


One of my clients said this is how she felt before we started our coaching journey together: No matter how much I achieve and what job title I have I will never feel good enough! I was seeking the credibility, legitimacy and approval of others.”


You might be feeling the same.  


It was as if her value depended on how much other people saw it and validated it. This is why she spent most of her time to have that validation and ended up with burnout.


You see, your value does not depend on other people's ability to see it! It depends on how much you value yourself! Because other people, don't care about you, they care about themselves and therefore their interpretation of YOUR value might change depending on how much you do for them, how much they need you or how useful they think you are.


...and you guessed, this can change! But your value doesn't.


Today we talked about why women like you (and J- my client) never feel like they are good enough and what you can do to change that even if you are not confident in yourself!


Don't take my word for it, tune in today as I talk about how you can feel good enough now no matter where you are in life and in your career and discover it for yourself.

How about you?  What is stopping you from feeling good enough now? 


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