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Episode 161 - Do You Feel Like You Never Have Enough Money? - Find Out Why with Victoria Brennan

In this episode, we will be connecting the dots between your self-worth and bank balance This Episode especially relates to you if you are-

✅ You never seem to have enough money

✅ A lack of money is preventing you from living the life you desire

✅ You don’t value your own impact on the world

You’ll enjoy listening to this as by the end of it you will;

✅ Know the real reason you never have enough money or feel anxious parting with it.

✅ Have a new awareness of how you can become empowered in your money relationship

✅ Understand that valuing yourself is fundamental to creating the wealthy life you desire

Listen to the full episode with our expert Victoria Brennan. SUBSCRIBE to the podcast today so you don't miss out on amazing guest expert episodes to come.

If you want to find out more about Victoria, follow the links below 👇

Thanks for listening and I will see you in the next episode